Introduction to Pistol Shooting (for new and beginning shooters)
MatchGuns MG2
The ‘ISSF 25 M Pistol Womens’ event is a Women’s event that is identical to the ‘ISSF 25 M Center Fire Pistol Men’s other than:
- the pistol caliber requirements, and
- the gauge size for shot values, and
- a 20-shot finals round the top scoring 8 women from the 60-shot Qualification round
The competition consists of 60 shots fired in two 30-shot Stages:
- Precision Stage (30 shots); consisting of six 5-shot series, each series fired in 5 minutes shooting time, and
- Rapid Fire Stage (30 shots); consisting of six 5-shot series, each shot fired at a 3 seconds exposure of the target.

The shooter must have her arm no more than 45 degrees from the vertical for each ‘exposure’ (before the targets face – paper targets: or the green light comes on Electronically Scored Targets (EST)).
In the precision stage, there are 6 series each of 5-shots fired in 5 minutes shooting time (view precision target)
In the rapid fire stage, there are 6 series each of 5-shots fired in the ‘duelling’ time: the targets face for 3 seconds, with an away time of 7 seconds before the next facing.
The ‘Ready Position’ does not apply for the Precision Stage.
World class sport pistols (like the MatchGuns MG2 pictured above) cost between $1300-$2500.
Entry level target pistols that can be used by new and developing sport pistol shooters range from $300-$1200.
Pistol Lifts. by SFC Keith Sanderson, U.S. Army World Class Athlete Program. USA Shooting News, January/February 2010. An explanation of the pistol lift in dynamic events such as Men’s 25m Rapid Fire Pistol and Women’s 25m Sport Pistol.
Lifting, Aiming, and Trigger Pull by Assistant National Pistol Coach Vladimir Chichkov. USA Shooting News, July/August 2011. Chichkov’s personal recipe for success in dynamic pistol events such as Men’s 25m Rapid Fire Pistol. This article addresses the two phases of the lift, aiming and consistent trigger work.
USA Shooting video describing the 25m Sport Pistol Event
Sally Hamdy
I am a modern player in sport pistol
I need more educational videos to increase levels
Peter Dicksson
Some more resources has been added to the website under sport pistol